The Eight Brocades

September New Moon; and the Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade

I was sitting by the ocean one late summer afternoon, watching the waves rolling in and feeling the rhythm of my breathing, when suddenly I became aware of my whole environment as being engaged in a gigantic cosmic dance… I “saw” cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I “saw” the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I “heard” its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers, worshiped by the Hindus.” —Fritjof Capra

This quote I came upon recently describes perfectly how I was going to begin this article—with my experiences of doing Qi Gong (the Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade) by the ocean. Fritjof Capra is a physicist and ‘deep ecologist’ who promotes the inherent worth of all living beings…

While I move slowly and from a place of deep knowing the mind is still, giving space for feeling into life that is everywhere. Time does not exist. There is openness. Sense of self vanishes. ‘I’ am the ocean, sand, cliffs behind and I soar with the pelicans gliding in platoon. Quiet, peace, swirling, unfolding, the universe flows—we flow—without focusing on our numerous thoughts, time and reference to the many details that define our reality cease to exist. There is freedom. Freedom from the relentless way in which we can drive our selves. Freedom to, just Be.

The Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade (the 8 brocades) is a Qi gong practice a thousand years old that a young chinese general developed for his troops to enhance all of their abilities.

This practice is based on finding a graceful and fluid rhythm among your own integral energies. Each movement relates to an organ encouraging harmony throughout the body and a positive flow of energy.

When the body is in harmony it is one with the universal flow of energy. We are one with that. There is no separation.

Qi Gong is a strategy for freedom from our cage of isolation.” ~Garri Garripoli, Qigong: Essence of the Healing Dance

Qi Gong is empowering and stilling. As our fears subside, confidence increases and we are able to move through life with grace just as we do with the movements of Qi Gong.

A knowing is instilled through repetitive practice that cannot be defined by the mind. It feels so ‘right’ that it cannot be denied.

Qi Gong practice is perfect to consider during this New Moon in Virgo. The natural characteristics of Virgo, quiet, patient, observant, skilled, focused and dedicated are qualities that contribute to the mastery of such an art. And in the process of relieving our selves of old resistances we notice a lightness and peace that takes up residence. Feeling good is associated with the letting go and releasing that happens during practice.

This is an active New Moon chart as it includes an exact trine with the evolutionary giant Uranus. Will of the people, less focus on the individual. Universal causes, unity, no separation, equality, freedom. The energy of Uranus is electric, shocking, rebellious in its quest to liberate and wake us up! Therefore it would not be unusual for the individual to be feeling an extra level of tension cultivated by the tendency toward resistance that most humans feel when urged to change and the high voltage insistence of Uranus.

“Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness.”

Seeing beyond the habitual is easier with Uranus in play. As the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus is about insight and knowing rather than thinking. It’s view is of the big picture and so demands that we open up to what is outside of our normal range of view. This might be a challenge for Virgo who prefers to deal with what is observable and practical.

This is where Qi Gong is a powerful tool for transformation and can be appealing to Virgo—taking practical steps through Qi Gong movement is all that is necessary the rest happens without our interference. There is nothing more to do.

Doing is the realm of Mars, also found in Virgo currently. This combination is action with precision and very beneficial for focusing the energy during a Qi Gong routine.

Mars is the planet of “do” and Virgo is the sign of “do it efficiently.” While Mars moves through Virgo, we’re able to figure out where to cut the fat…”

There is the additional energy of Neptune to consider here though, as Neptune is in opposition to Mars.

“Mars in Virgo retrograde is a powerful healer who goes inside the inside to heal you. Mars in Virgo retrograde opposing Neptune is the healer healing the healer. Hands-on, hands-off, doesn’t matter. And the message that heals is nothing you can grasp with the mind which Virgo finds…

It may feel uncomfortable, the lack of definition, however through Qi Gong the purpose of not being able to grasp ‘it’ with the mind becomes evident as we have mentioned all along. Let go and trust. One step at a time, one movement at a time and all questions become irrelevant even for the short time one is immersed in the Qi Gong dance. 

With Jupiter in Aquarius inconjunct or quincunx Mars, when the action is for expansion and moving with the Universal flow, it feels balanced, harmonious and ‘perfect’. If there is doubt and deliberation about any ‘this or that’, the discomfort will be noticeable. 

The trine to Mars from Pluto is a powerful energy to eliminate any tendencies that are limiting action toward greater self awareness. All the planetary players are in alignment to help us reach our most desired goals. There isn’t much that needs to be done except follow the movement and relax!

Video: Mimi Kuo-Deemer demonstrating the Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade

New Moon June

June 10, 19 degrees 47 minutes Gemini @ 3:53 a.m. PT

The New Moon is the time to set your intention for the coming month, be it for a new project, idea, plan, thought, relationship, job, etc. This is the day to invite change into your life and be open to new possibilities. There’s a pioneering quality and innocence to the New Moon and it’s also a vulnerable time of unknowing.” –Internet source

Gemini generally is out going: communicative, social, exploring, learning through daily experience. During this New Moon however, when we naturally seek a quieter place for contemplation as we plant the seeds that will blossom as our new visions, the ruler of Gemini, Mercury is in retrograde motion. Planets in retrograde motion slow down. Gives us time to think before we act.

Often with Mercury in retrograde motion communication of all kinds can be challenging. Patience is required. And when patience is required we take a step away from our usual ways of responding, expressing, reacting. Mercury retrograde is conjunct the Sun and Moon and so the mind, practicing patience, has opportunity to reset, re-evaluate, re-think some of the beliefs that have been motivating and influencing us; to be aware of what is on a level beyond our conditioned thoughts.

You may feel somewhat confused about who you are and what you want during this retrograde (Mercury). However, it’s only revealing the deeper layers of yourself, encouraging you to look a little more closely at your identity. Engage with the process of discovering yourself all over again. Chances are, there are aspects of yourself that you never truly acknowledged or respected the way you should have. Connect with a deeper confidence.”–Internet source

Often, within is what we are less familiar with. Without is a habituated experience. We see, hear, smell and are attuned to everything that goes on around us in physical reality for numerous reasons. This is fine. We can notice at the same time that in this physical reality is lack of permanence. What is, when all physical phenomenon cease to exist? Or what is it that precedes and succeeds all phenomenon? Looking within so to speak leads to greater awareness of a deeper Truth.

These kinds of questions might find there way to the surface whilst we are immersed in the energies of the New Moon and particularly when Mercury is retrograde. The usual answers that may be practical and rational do not seem to suffice now. Inward seeking can provide answers that elude us otherwise.

The Gemini mind will ‘seek’ answers, by nature they are seekers. And when the realm of questions dwindles to just a very few, the answers begin to lie not in words (Gemini forte) but in knowing. Finally Gemini becomes silent. During this New Moon such silence may be pervasive—and welcomed.

Therein are our answers, in the stillness that will dispel confusion, avoid distraction and encourage us to not be dismayed, for instance, by the Neptune square the Sun and Moon but to realize the gift of no boundaries, no limitations that Neptune represents. It is the nebulous quality attributed to Neptune that leads to astrologers describing Neptune as creating confusion.

Neptune can be a great gift, but it is important to stay grounded, as it easily looses touch with reality.”–Internet source

The gift of Neptune is suspending beliefs in order to ‘imagine’ the unimaginable. Neptune is a doorway from the power of the mind/ego to what is beyond thinking; what lies between the warp and the weft or the structure that defines our human experience. It is no wonder that Neptune is not easily expressed in words as it’s territory lies beyond definition. Any confusion related to Neptune’s influence is simply us unable to grasp with the mind the Truth that is all around us, is obvious and yet lies hidden by the mind and its numerous beliefs; that it cannot be as simple as knowing that my self is a construct whereas Self is without reliance upon any external phenomenon.

Neptune is not knowing, being open to what is out side of the box, what is greater than anything the mind can perceive. As such in order to inhabit the deep waters of Neptune we must surrender, and let go of beliefs all together. The ego is challenged to retreat.

The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.” C.G. Jung

We all have Gemini somewhere in our charts. We all have a natural sense of curiosity that moves us to discover more of life; how we live, express, communicate, reach out and share. Gemini likes to share. There is an understanding of the natural connection of all things that Gemini knows is how we thrive. Thriving is easily achieved when we listen to that which is generated from a deeper level of awareness.

Communication, Gemini’s gift encompasses all that transpires in the realms of connection as communication supports community.

Trees have their communication systems, some consisting of underground root systems that pass information along within the clan. Nature is full of ways of transferring ‘data’ that are not reliant upon words. Everything, as source is motivated by and moved by an eternal, omniscient, omnipresent ‘voice’ that arises from stillness. Communication is a word but we all ‘hear’ the voice and respond to it in the way in which we can and do.

During this New Moon take a look at the house in which the New Moon in Gemini resides and notice if its affect encourages you to delve deeper into awareness of what this house relates to.

Briefly the houses represent:

1st House: I seek self/Self

2nd House: I seek security/relationship to resources.

3rd House: I seek to learn and communicate

4th House: I seek emotional connection

5th House: I seek self/Self expression

6th House: I seek to perfect self

7th House: I seek to relate self to another.

8th House: I seek to understand

9th House: I findTruth

10th House; I find resources and build

11th House: I find collective connection, awareness

12th House: I find dissolution, Being

Basically the houses take us through a journey from self discovery (1st house) until the ego dissolves opening us to Self discovery (12th house).

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” Lao Tzu

The Superior Man understands that the Work is guided from within, and that choices which ignore this truth can only retard its progress. (Present actions originate future consequences: pay heed to your choices.)“–Internet Source from the I Ching #54, Kui Mei

Shining Brighter

Waking up into heaven. The sun shines all day long. Even the moon reflects the sun’s light. Clouds come, clouds go. It rains. It storms. The sun shines all day long. The tiny boat drifts off. The wind sighs. The moon appears as all else fades and moon beams dance on the waves.

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry–all forms of fear–are caused by too much future and not enough presence.” ~Eckhart Tolle

This shoe lace flops about dangerously,
about to become two separate pieces to be dragged
along pavement, slapped in a puddle,
tangled in a bush that diverts my way home.

I bend to tie it together and wonder
how many times I have performed this task.
"Just once," I hear. "Right now, only once."

There is a sigh, relief. The little door springs open
and the melody of a tiny songbird pierces that thought.

New Moon May 11th

@21 degrees Taurus 12:00 p.m PT

Taurus and Relationship to the Phenomenal World

I now experience a different, more subtle connection between mind and body. It does not require that I flex muscles. It does not dissipate in the presence of increasing inward silence.

It does require, however, that I seek more profoundly within my own experience and do so with an open mind. It means that I must reach intuitively into what may feel like darkness. ~Matthew Sandford commenting on how he has processed paralysis. ~from Daily Good 4.27.21

New Moon in Taurus and a time to consider our relationship with the physical—the body and the senses that define the physical experience. As we gain a deeper understanding of the physical experience we find passage to a source of infinite unfolding. We intuit rather than rely strictly on the mind to figure things out. We measure by what we feel that moves us in the physical domain with agility and ease, confident that our infinite source, always in motion, and I that, naturally travel together without resistance, question or doubt.

A natural understanding of the phenomenal world is a gift of dear Taurus the Bull who stands ground in times of crisis and leads followers on a path to ‘higher ground’. You can always count on Taureans to expertly guide you to safety or to find necessary supplies if the going gets tough. In Taurus we find confidence to create what we need to feel secure and stable, prerequisites for venturing further, deeper into unknown territory; areas that represent our evolutionary intent.

Venus as planetary ruler of Taurus is our desire nature and relationship to the environment as the source of life. As the journey in Taurus unfolds we eventually realize that everything we need is always provided according to our evolutionary intent. We experience, we learn, we transcend. A repetitive process until the physical world is less of a concern and we naturally focus upon the sense of values that appear to determine our way. We become less self centered, more centered and the emergence of Self is a natural occurrence.

This New Moon directs us toward standing our ground also, being as we are, and not wavering as Taurus is a fixed sign and known for their immovability at times. In this case a powerful quality as we find Black Moon Lilith conjunct this New Moon. Freedom to Be—wild abandon is the theme and to reflect the Truth of that, is a healing ‘gesture’ that rewards us with peace. This peace gives us a greater sense of security than any thing that may be acquired in the phenomenal world.

A recurring aspect in the chart for May 11th is the sextile, there are four. A sextile is a 60 degree aspect between planets, half a trine, that speaks of opportunity and challenge that can be met more easily than when we are confronted with a square, 90 degree aspect but not as easy as a trine where the energy flows so smoothly that we may take some experiences in life for granted and ‘fall asleep’. Sextiles work with co-operation between two planets in different but supportive elements. Two sextile themes here: one earth and water-each nurtures the other—and two fire and air again both nurture each other.

Our energy is being put towards realizing the positive outcome of taking care of our selves, each other and the planet. It is the only way to traverse this present landscape. We are waking up to that in greater numbers by the day. We are now on a fast track to healing some very deep, old wounds that have conditioned us to react for a very long time. Both earth/water sextiles speak of all of our individual/collective resources being applied to caring for us and what ails us.

The recent Full Moon and tsunami super solar flares at the same time, with brilliant fire and light helped to burn off a little more dross here and illuminate the path. What an intense time! We were getting pretty darn hot under the microscope! What do I need to let go of to contribute in a positive way to this evolutionary moment?

Reading Pema Chondron who has written, No Time to Lose a commentary on The Way of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva. Much of her book relates to the wisdom of developing patience, how that benefits self, others and the collective and is the antidote to anger/irritation. Cultivating patience in a somewhat impatient world is a way to contribute tremendously to collective well-being.

The other two sextiles are in fire and air. Here we are challenged to reassess how we communicate, how our words can be motivating and inspiring rather than draining and negative. We can take responsibility for contributing truth to the collective conscious and generating clarity rather than putting information out there that is confusing, misleading and erroneous. We rob our selves of energy and power to act in a supportive way.

The beauty of these sextiles can be seen in a quote from astrologer Steven Arroyo: “The Sextile seems to be an aspect of openness to the new: new people, new ideas, new attitudes; and it symbolizes the potential for making new connections with either people or ideas that can ultimately lead to new learning.”  ~from

So, much new possibility we are presented with and at this time of year. It contributes to this sublime panorama of vitality and goodness. Everything is fully alive! Our senses are filled to overflowing. Little room for disparaging thoughts. We open the door in the morning and are free to move as we please. This New Moon as every New Moon is a doorway of tremendous possibility.


Ninety, fragile
in so many ways.
Yet girlish, naive
and particular.
Particularity of place,
of time,
of ways.
Filling it with
dreams made real; all 
to be washed away
when night rises.

Everything leaps out 
from the center.
Tiny leaps of a centipede.
Great leaps of a gazelle.
The steady leaps of you and I,
intent upon finding ourselves
knowing that the leap into Being
is the same Being as
before the leap. 

Now…not then not when

“Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now.”― Eckhart Tolle

There is nothing here to be seen or not seen

but every time the breeze passes the meadow bows.

It was in a dream that you asked,
"what is the meaning of life?
why are we here"
I looked at you and couldn't answer,
simply uttered "Oh",
as the passing breeze coaxed a sound.
Continued to contemplate words
passing by 
knowing that at 
some point
the words will not come.
That will be the answer
nothing to do with me.

New Moon Aries

Soul on Deck

“…One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times.” ~Clarissa Pinkola Estes, You were made for this…

As we proceed through this year of healing and reset we welcome change, embrace what is new and courageously forge ahead in unknown territory. We honour the growth we witness happening all around us and embrace each other as we valiantly leap hurdles and keep moving with the ever present flow. It is refreshing to feel our selves rise up and into authenticity. This is occurring as we step further away from habitual patterns of behaviour that do not reflect Reality.

As witnesses to all that goes on around us we gain the ability to listen to and feel the path that is always the way. As we are relieved of the illusion of our beliefs, we gain clarity and the opportunity to quietly observe. As observers we offer compassion, strength and light to confusion and apparent chaos. The message is to continue creating from a place of quiet knowing in various situations without becoming part of the suffering. In the suffering is the perpetuation of the problem rather than the clarity to see one’s way out.

How do we manage to avoid being affected by the world’s goings on? As human beings we are conditioned to, in some way or another, be involved. As victim, as hero but rarely as just an observer free to watch without judgment. Step out of the conditioning and be free to share the light of awareness. “I am that” which I find fault with and what I find fault with is “that”, cannot not be in this moment other than what it is. Shine your light through and beyond the myopic vision that limits us.

In Pema Chondron’s book No Time to Lose she discusses, The Way of the Bodhisattva written twelve centuries ago by Shantideva in India. From this text we gain insight into ways in which humans are yoked to their negative emotions and repetitive responses.

“When habitual reactions are strong and longstanding, it is difficult to choose intelligently. We don’t intentionally choose pain; we just do what’s familiar.”

We become attached to the familiar as it can be relied upon. It will deliver the same emotional experience and in this we feel secure, somewhat comfortable even when there is suffering involved. It may seem an arduous task to choose freedom over familiarity thus we proceed slowly and with gentle care of the self as we move on, always moving on. And with every insight, glimpse of Truth we are encouraged to let go more. We find our self standing at the edge of a cliff anxious perhaps but willing to leap. Something tells us there is nothing to fear. We have recently acquired the ability to leave thoughts alone and so are not attending to the many reasons the ego can contrive to prevent its own demise.

With the recent arrival of Spring and this first New Moon of the season, we can consciously align with expanding experience and pay attention to habitual expression. Any amount of light begins to dispel darkness; slowly seeps across what once may have been a troubled landscape with little peace. Is an organic process that happens without the interference of mind. In other words beyond awareness of resistance, ‘no effort required’!

Spring offers us a fresh start. Everything is new! My intention is to trust what is unknown and to be open to letting go of and setting free ‘the Truth that lies within’. Revealed as I dispense with the known.

One step at a time will suffice. The ‘unknown’ can seem like frightening territory. With each step approaching this territory we become surer of the destination though at no time will we be able to successfully articulate what it is. All good. We continue. Not knowing is when my beliefs are no longer guiding me. What guides me is the much deeper, all pervasive sense of Being that solves all ‘problems’ and answers all questions.

There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it. I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate.”~Clarissa Pinkola Estes, You were made for this

New Moon In Aries 22 degrees 25 minutes April 11 7:31 p.m PT

The Moon represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious. Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts.  How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security?” ~Cafe Astrology

The moon in Aries is the first ship out of the harbour, willing to test the waters and pursue the objective. Cardinal fire! The ultimate explorer—instinctive, authentic, spontaneous and impulsive.

The New Moon as the dark of the moon, in Aries, can direct all that energy inward, to explore uncharted waters of the ‘hidden’ Self (during the New Moon Sun/Moon act and react in unison); that which lies beyond the mind/ego. New Moon in Aries can search with child-like enthusiasm, overcome obstacles with ease (there are no obstacles) and shine light into areas that others may fear to acknowledge.

These few days are an ideal time therefore to take a step or two or maybe a profound leap toward freedom from confining habits. The New Moon chart benefits our goals in 3 ways:

1. Grand *trine in air involving Mars the planet of action aspecting Jupiter the planet of expansion, growth and wisdom and both aspecting the point of fortune where we find our greatest sense of satisfaction. Rather simply put, this geometry gives us the energy/motivation for further growth into wisdom for a deeper sense of fulfillment. Their is great trust in proceeding no matter how we perceive the lay of the land.

2. Small talent trine: Mars trine Jupiter and both **sextile Sun/Moon. The small talent trine is present in the charts of many famous and creative people. With the Mars and Jupiter aspect there is again the energy/motivation for growth into wisdom and now involving the Sun/Moon conjunction that allows us deeper insight into that which is beyond our perception of this physical world. There is creative energy to realize that we are capable of a great deal more!

3. Pluto square Venus exact: Pluto, the planet of elimination and transformation directly challenges Venus the goddess of desire, relationship and values to desist from personal gratification, of relying predominantly on material things in favour of our deeper desire for the unseen, unmanifest expression wherein we discover peace. Pluto demands and Venus may want to charm her way out of the inevitable. It is simply a matter of ‘time’ before she relents to the all pervasive power of Pluto.

One may wonder how, during the relatively few days of a New Moon, I shall accomplish all that I envision. It is enough that at this time I plant the seeds. Planting the seeds and allowing nature to do the rest. Maybe once in awhile I pull weeds.

Once you know with absolute certainty that nothing can trouble you but your own imagination, you come to disregard your desires and fears, concepts and ideas and live by truth alone.” ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

Born April 17, 1897 (double Aries Sun conjunct the ascendant) Nisargadatta was a nondual teacher (his book, I am That) who first became an affluent merchant owning several stores and having a family before intently pursuing deeper spiritual knowing.

*Trine a 120 degree aspect with ease of flow

**Sextile a 60 degree aspect with a little more challenge

From Our Heart

Only from the heart can we touch the sky.” ~Rumi

Rumi is a 13th century Sufi mystic for whom dwelling in the heart was the way of realizing oneness with the divine.

In Sufi psychology the heart refers to the spiritual heart or qalb, not the physical organ. It is this spiritual heart that contains the deeper intelligence and wisdom. It holds the divine spark or spirit and is the place of gnosis and deep spiritual knowledge.” ~wikipedia


There is plenty of analysis, research, worry, consideration and hypothesis going on. Mostly can confuse and agitate us. Of the quotes I considered for lead in to this article, the above is the one that felt peaceful and still. There is no denying it or questioning it. It is clear. Simply a reminder. Embrace essence and everything is available. Step out of conditioning and Truth remains. The ever present, eternal One…

“It” guides without us lifting a finger or spending a moment in quandary. We remain centered in knowing that there is no need to know half of what we think we need to know. In emptiness there is freedom, compassion and unconditional abidance. The beauty of being in these physical forms is abundantly obvious no matter what appears to be going on around us.

If a question arises we follow that deeper from the many facets of mind to a place of silence where all questions are devoured in emptiness. So that what/who Am I? What is my purpose?

Should I? Can I? All answered by the roar of silence. How do I? Accomplish this…one foot in front of the other and wrapping myself in the single thought “I am That”. Every step toward simple acceptance quiets the mind. As we quiet the mind we free our selves from the tyranny of the patterns that motivate us.

This silence prevails; when we are out in a storm wind pushing us about, caught in slow traffic, caring for our loved ones who may be ailing or on their way out. It is present always. When we listen we can hear it, the soft vibration that pervades all. It soothes and ‘reassures’ us that ALL is well.

Make everything in you an ear, each atom of your being, and you will hear at every moment what the Source is whispering to you, just to you and for you, without any need for my words or anyone else’s.” ~Rumi

This year, this month this moment will be whatever it will be regardless of my efforts to change that. ‘My’ happiness occurs when I am in agreement with that moment and present

to it all. A witness, observer, riding the wave and compliant with dissolution of the wave into the grand pool in which we all swim. Grace washes over us and “I” disappear.

New Moon 23 deg. Capricorn 13 min.January 12th, 2021 9:00 p.m. PT, January 13th 12:00 a.m. ET

How might this first New Moon of the year be influencing us to proceed one step at a time? What guidance do we find to show us the way through the months to come? Capricorn the sign in which the New Moon occurs is about recognizing how the structure has supported us to eventually surmount it; to reach for greater heights knowing that we as individuals and a community transcend continually based on past experience. It is the organic process we call life. Capricorn—determined to succeed proceeds with caution will not venture forth into unknown territory until it intuitively feels the stability of it’s direction.

Also concurring, Venus (wants, desires, values, self worth) in exact square to Chiron (our wound and our gift) there is apparently pressure to examine how the former has contributed to perpetuating the wound or to the healing of same, giving us greater access to the gifts we potentially share. Isn’t it our heart’s desire to realize the potential that lies within; to fully express the gift that we desire to share?

Where is Chiron in your own chart? How does it relate to the planets in your chart? What challenges do you have concerning the expression of your gifts? How might you, in 2021,

find greater contentment through sharing those gifts?

With Uranus (revolution for evolution)and Mars (energy, vitality, action) in close trine to Venus there is an abundance of energy encouraging us to seek freedom from the old and embrace the new (whatever that may be) in a way that will adjust our sense of self, security and stability. We can’t hold onto to the old if we are going to evolve. There may be a moment that feels like free fall. We will adjust!

And with Pluto in Capricorn conjunct the Sun/Moon we are feeling pressure to eliminate anything that is of no use; that festers within or is toxic. Rather than being a heavy and laborious process, the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in the air sign Aquarius ensures a more enlightened view motivating all that transpires.

The prevailing energies are inevitably experienced by all of us. How I choose to experience them is based upon my thoughts. When we are open and accepting we find that all that comes to us is the same. None of what occurs is a problem but a challenge and challenge is an opportunity to discover what more lies hidden in plain sight. It is our pathway to the enormous bounty that lies within from which we joyfully give to others.

You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment…” ~Thomas Merton

Put down distractions…

To understand is to stand under which is to look up to which

is a good way to understand.” ~Corita Kent

We tend to be earth bound in our gaze. Tied to detail and the tread mill of the mind constantly attending to our thoughts. Planning, solving, anticipating, deep in thought we proceed with our often sheltered perspective of the world. That as it may be, is part of our experience here which serves a purpose perhaps, until one decides that bogged down by minutia is not the only way to live. We can open up and breathe in the stars and realize the breath is a common denominator as is the star or the sky or a tree or that moment of darkness that inevitably drives us inward that we might reach outward to ultimately go deeper within.

It all begins when we put down our distractions and look.

Look upward, and there is the sky of the clear light timeless purity, the spontaneous, unproduced illumination brighter than the sun and clearer than the moon, beyond this, there is no view, no meditation, no deeds to be done, young man, your mind is freed in the vast expanse of the blue sky above.” ~ from the Memoirs of Jigme Lingpa as quoted in Dreams and Truths from the Ocean of Mind by Sogan Rinpoche Tulku*

The most interesting experiences are available to us when we look, just look. The up suggests that the looking occurs without judgment; that we free ourselves of the ordinary way of seeing and sorting to really open up to the view. Allow our selves space to breathe and expand into the unseen. Glide between the known and the unknown. Love the feeling of not knowing. Embrace the potential.

Climb up a ladder to reach the sky.

Try ladders of different heights.

See if the sky looks any closer

from a higher ladder.” ~Yoko Ono, Sky Piece VII

New Moon December 14–Sagittarius 23 degrees 8 minutes @ 8:17 a.m. PT

The last new moon of the year during which we may feel exuberance, enthusiasm, dynamic euphoria and profound trust. The way of things to come? These feelings relate to the sign of the Archer, Sagittarius ruled by the planet Jupiter, of vision, expansion, growth, wisdom and seeking, stretching, travelling into new territory if it affords a glimpse of the indefinable Truth.

The Archer with his arrow pointed skyward shows the way as the journey continues into a new year.

This new moon is at 23 degrees. Just 3-4 degrees away from exact conjunction with the Galactic Center. Excuse me for borrowing heavily for this article. This article written by astrologer Melanie Reinhart (Chiron and the Healing Journey and Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes) for Astrodienst puts it all quite succinctly.


When the last five degrees of Sagittarius are stimulated by transiting planets, a process of awakening is initiated. The arrow of the centaur points ‘beyond what we know’, and at the same time refer us symbolically to ‘what we have always known’ in our inner depths. These intimations have a strong ‘felt sense’ but are not easily verbalised or quantified. A time of accelerated spiritual development occurs, with its attendant life challenges which may include rapid change, separations, crisis, illness and stress as outmoded ideas are released. Phil Sedgwick likens this to a ‘defragging’ process of our mental ‘hard drives’!

Expect a major ‘life-review’ of a very particular kind. Density, opaqueness and blockages within the mind the soul are being spun off, as in a centrifuge. This is a perhaps useful image for the Galactic Centre – a centrifuge – where everything is spun away from the dark centre, revealing an empty space.

This ‘empty space’ is where we are receptive to Grace, and like the black holes said to reside at the core of the galaxy, it generates the substance which will birth the new, individually and collectively.

These moments leading us one to the next feel like exiting the forest for the wide open spaces of rolling meadows where eventually, with little to distract us, we run free. The thoughts, that like a drum beat command us, have become a distant, barely audible tapping.

At this new moon we might also consider the environment in which Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius finds itself in the chart. In conjunction to Saturn all of Jupiter’s good graces are focused toward responsible and discerning, practical application. Jupiter is expansion. Saturn offers the wisdom to grow and expand minus ego gratification. Both planets move into Aquarius from Capricorn within days of each other. (Saturn December 18 and Jupiter December 20)

This bodes well for the development of what’s to come. as we will continue to look up toward Truth that serves humanity. Rules may be broken in favor of the vision that we, as a collective, hold for the continuation of the unfolding. Aquarius, with ruler Uranus, regularly acts to illuminate the darkness leaving no stone unturned. The Waterbearer shares his treasure with all, equally.

Jupiter and Saturn are closer together than they have been in 800 years and will appear to almost merge as we view them in the night sky. This occurs most precisely on the 21st, winter solstice, the day when we can turn our attention inward and reflect upon deeper connections, deeper meaning, deeper awareness. The heart, the deepest aspect of our physical form is the target for our deepest desire.

Love will flow in trickles, in streams, in torrents.

Another outstanding feature of this chart is an exact (to the minute) inconjunct/quincunx to the Sun/Moon from Black Moon Lilith. We might look at this point (BLM is a point in space where the Moon’s shadow cast toward the Earth ends) as similar to the black hole lying at the center of the galactic center. Therein is our emptiness, our knowing that we know not—the undefinable. BML at 150 degrees from Sun/Moon suggests that it is through freedom from attachment, from being immersed in the illusion that we find the liberation that the Archer seeks.

Answers lie in the darkness of the void.

Sagittarius is a centaur a mythical creature that is half man, half horse—wild and free at heart. These are qualities associated with this sign. Very quick, capable and sociable. Blended are the intuitive nature of the horse to protect the herd and the thinking capacity of the human to extend. It is a fine combination that we have an opportunity to access during the increased dark hours in these few days leading up Solstice.

We can approach it as a heroes journey combining individual insight with what will ultimately be of greatest service to the collective. The Fool in the Tarot, looks skyward as he takes his leap of faith, trusting without any further information to guide him. He finds his ‘security’ in having divested himself of all worldly possessions. He no longer has anything to focus on below his lifted gaze. He is indeed a hero leading us from a microcosmic view to a macrocosmic perspective.

One last aspect of this new moon chart is the exact trine of Mars in Aries to Mercury in Sagittarius. Bold and deliberate, passionate expression to guide us further toward Truth. Are we free to experience all that is available to us or are we limited by the structures that surround and define us? The mind breaks through constraints, revels in vast open space.

We have glimpsed freedom. We yearn for freedom. All we need do is remain here, free.

Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

May we soar into this New Year unfettered, Self aware and with ease and grace. Happy holidays and a peace-full new year!